« 经济的进出口物流方案HONIARA美加海运整柜及到门,正常收货,欢迎询价/太阳 »


分类: 货代广告 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2020年2月29日

  荣诚国际的拼箱每周均有多航次直拼欧美、日韩、中东印巴、东南亚等各主要港口,各基本港直拼点船期密集。长期合作的环球代理网络遍布全球近 70 个国家,并与物流储运有机结合。直拼到全球约 100 个基本港,并在目的港以最合理、最快速的方式分拨到全球每个角落。
  一系列的标准流程和内部质量控制保证了荣诚国际物流拼箱服务的质量。通过与客户、船公司、海关当局以及海外合作伙伴的无缝对接,实现对货物的密切监控。 The air transport department handles all the import and export business of air transport and has its own warehouses in the airport authority area. Due to the good cooperation with airlines for a long time, the air export goods can be shipped on time during peak season and off-season, and arrive at the final destination port safely. The air transport department has a strong network of overseas agents, which can provide customers with freight on delivery and various door-to-door services to transport goods to all corners of the world.Also, due to the strong overseas agency network, we have also shipped air cargo from all over the world to all parts of China through overseas agents. At the same time, we also provide the customs clearance and delivery service for the import goods for the customers. The goods can be delivered to the area around Shanghai within 3 working days.
With the continuous growth of the company, the cargo volume of the air transportation department also increases year by year, which has become one of the highlights of the company's new economic growth.专业从事国际货运业务的一级代理公司,公司拥有一批素质优秀、精通运输业务、富有敬业精神的专业人才队伍,以及完善的计算机操作和先进的物流系统。公司自2009年成立以来,并与多家知名公司都建立了战略合作伙伴关系和良好的业务关系,使得各项环节的流程变得更加便捷、流畅,使您的物流运输成本降低到最底线的同时,且享受到我们为您带来的最贴心,最安全的服务。公司一向视管理为生命,并以“客户至上、服务第一、重效率、讲诚信”的宗旨,凭借较强的实力,优秀的人才,高效的服务和良好的信誉获得了国内外客户的肯定,以及各界人士的好评.
主营业务: 美国 加拿大 欧洲 FBA双清包税服务,DHL美国小包 DHL UPS FEDEX TNT 跨境电商业务。 公司一直秉持“客户第一,服务至上”的经营理念,不断地为客户创造价值是我们企业生存和发展的永恒主题。




信息反馈:周报表 (VIP:日报表), 定期价格更新




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