
分类: 拼散货 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2016年3月10日

Stark County 175 Toulon 1839 Knox and Putnam County Gen.John Stark(1728-1822), general in theAmerican Revolutionary War, called the "Hero ofBennington" 5,994 288sqmi
Stephenson County 177 Freeport 1837 Jo Daviess and Winnebago County Benjamin Stephenson(1769-1822), representative ofIllinois Territoryin theUnited States Congressfrom 1814 to 1816 47,711 564sqmi
Tazewell County 179 Pekin 1827 Sangamon County Littleton Waller Tazewell(1774-1860), United States Senator from (and later governor of)Virginia 135,394 649sqmi
Union County 181 Jonesboro 1818 Johnson County The federal union of the states 17,808 416sqmi
Vermilion County 183 Danville 1826 Edgar County TheVermilion River 81,625 899sqmi
Wabash County 185 Mount Carmel 1824 Edwards County TheWabash River 11,947 224sqmi
Warren County 187 Monmouth 1825 Schuyler County Joseph Warren(1741-75), played a role inAmerican Patriotmovements, a prominent early fatality in theAmerican Revolutionary War 17,707 543sqmi
Washington County 189 Nashville 1818 St. Clair County George Washington(1732-99), commander-in-chief of American forces in theAmerican Revolutionary Warand firstPresident of the United States 14,716 563sqmi
Wayne County 191 Fairfield 1819 Edwards County Gen. "Mad"Anthony Wayne(1745-96),major generalin the United States Army in theAmerican Revolutionary Warand theNorthwest Indian War 16,760 714sqmi
White County 193 Carmi 1815 Gallatin County Isaac White(1776-1811), resident of Illinois who enlisted in the Indiana militia and was killed at theBattle of Tippecanoe 14,665 495sqmi
Whiteside County 195 Morrison 1836 Jo Daviess and Henry County Samuel Whiteside(1783-1868), state legislator and militia leader 58,498 685sqmi
Will County 197 Joliet 1836 Cook and Iroquois County Conrad Will(1779-1835),physician, local businessman and longtime member of the state legislature 677,560 837sqmi
Williamson County 199 Marion 1839 Franklin County Hugh Williamson(1735-1819), delegate fromNorth Carolinato thePhiladelphia Convention 66,357 424sqmi
Winnebago County 201 Rockford 1836 Jo Daviess WinnebagoNative Americans 295,266 514sqmi
Woodford County 203 Eureka 1841 Tazewell and McLean County Gen.William Woodford(1734-80), brigadier general in theAmerican Revolutionary Warwho died while a British prisoner 38,664 528sqmi
西北部较高,有起伏平缓的丘陵。全境最高点海拔378米,为西北角有查尔斯丘。北部和中部的黑土非常肥沃,为世界上最佳耕地之一。地表有厚层冰川沉积,叫做冰碛层。第四纪内,北美洲北部及中部出现大陆冰川。冰川向南推进时,把全州大部分地面蚀平,好似平锅的锅底。冰川融化后消失,把冰内夹带的泥砂石块堆积在地面上,成为冰碛物,似一张圆饼摊在锅底的平面上。冰川避开了州西北角及州境南端两个丘陵区,这一带未遭受大陆冰川的破坏。南部马里恩附近小丘区是大陆冰川南进的限界。南端河岸港开罗以南未受冰川的刨蚀。除上述西北角及南端大丘陵区外,都遭受大陆冰川覆盖数千年到数万年之久。[1] 我公司拥有专业过硬、经验丰富的国际铁路运输的经营作业团队,凭借中国铁路系统的网络优势,拥有最优惠的国际铁路运价,同时海外拥有专业铁路物流合作伙伴,提供各类货物国际铁路安全、快捷的物流及配套服务。




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