« Maputo, Mozambique国际海运中美洲北部 »


分类: 货代广告 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2015年7月15日

 Our company has a well-trained and experienced team. This team can do our best to solve all kinds of problems in the industry professionally& accurately. Meanwhile , we can save plenty of cost for the customers of steel &iron, architecture, mineral& heavy equipment. We can do the import& export business of the bulk cargo, naked package, less container, full container of global, domestic ports, and also marine booking& stowage. We could do the agent for clearance goods, custody container, stowage, commodity inspection, health quarantine. Our advantage is one –stop service, high quality, safety, rapidly.
  Our company is located Tianjin economic& technological development area. We have good-cooperation with ship ‘s owner, Tianjin harbor bureau, China shipping agency Tianjin branch. We can offer the best price in doing above business.包括订舱、中转、仓储、报关、内陆运输、保险代理、多式联运及相关咨询业务。公司在处理国际海运货物和国际空运货物方面有着深厚的经验,拥有一批技能出众的员工,结合全球的网络系统,能够为广大客户提供综合性、专业性的物流服务!

公司主力航线为中国——日韩、东南亚、中东、印巴、欧洲、地中海、中南美、非洲、北美及加勒比海航线, 我们与多家航运公司常年的协议运价能为客户带来实质性优惠。日韩航线、东南亚航线是我们极力打造的精品航线,可以为您提供在价格、航程、船期等方面多种的选择。






定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 海运拼箱特价 海运整箱特价 QQ咨询有特价