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分类: 我司特色服务 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2014年10月17日


“优质服务”是上海亚东国际货运有限公司天津分公司的经营特色,公司具有强大且严谨的进出口操作体系。公司拥有高素质、经验丰富的专业操作人员,巨资装备的先进计算机处理系统。从报价、接载、报关、陆运、仓储、货物追踪及进口清关、提货、均由专人专岗负责,与仓库、海关、各地分公司、办事处、国外代理公司之间各环节的衔接全部依靠计算机网络沟通。公司管理人员密切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,力求一切问题防患于未然。 We negotiate with first-class carriers to give you the highest quality, space allotment and optimum pricing for your FCL freight.

Carrier supported EDI messaging enables us to streamline our process with a paperless environment to provide booking and shipping instructions to the shipping lines. This simplifies the documentation process and ensures the highest degree of data accuracy and efficiency.

All our services are enhanced by a range of web-enabled IT solutions, providing complete visibility of freight in transit, and, where required, notifying custom authorities and contractors of your shipment details.

Our clients can take advantage of the following features:
Efficient management of available ship load capacity
Best time-to-cost ratio
Competitive prices
Flexible scheduling




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