« 巴格诺中东非洲海运公司。中东非洲货代公司 »

ocean-rail combined

分类: 拼散货 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2012年11月19日

●Import transporting agent:We are in a good position to offer service of customs clearance, inspection, devanning, distribution and transferring, etc. for importing cargo from Qingdao and other main ports in China.
●Rail and ocean-rail combined transport:Accept shipments export from Qingdao to Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia.
●Air-ocean combined transport:The air-ocean combined transporting line of Qingdao via Korea to Europe and America based on advantages of the short distance, frequent liners, punctual schedule of the transport between Korea and Qingdao, is highly praised by customers due to its low charges and rapidness.
●Air transport:We offer booking, customs clearance, inspection, consolidation, devanning and dispatch.
●Bonded and storage: We have good ability to offer bonded storage, general storage, air cooling storage, and refrigeration storage service.现在我们更能在国内口岸全面提供网络服务,满足蔬菜贸易商的季节采购需求。我们的实力加上我们一直以来的优质服务,使得我们在国内SOC运输行业稳居前列。我们 更继续深挖东南亚的冷藏箱潜力,相信在不久的将来,我们将在亚洲内提供全方位的高效,价廉,专业的冷藏运输服务




定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 海运拼箱特价 海运整箱特价 QQ咨询有特价